Confined Space Awareness V2.16 Course

1910.146 -Confined Space:Understanding and applying OSHA standards is at the heart of any safety and health program. This white paper is a review of permit-required confined space (29 CFR 1910.146), a widely applied and frequently cited standard. The article aims to provide a helpful overview of the requirements, as well as some compliance tips to give your programs a boost, or to help you get one off the ground. There's nothing new about confined spaces or their hazards. In Roman times, the emperor Trajan sentenced criminals to clean sewers, an occupation known to be particularly dangerous.

Keywords: Confined Space Awareness, OSHA, manufacturing, Oil & Gas

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Confined Space Awareness V2.16 Course

Confined Space Awareness V2.16
Confined Space Awareness V2.16
1910.146 -Confined Space:Understanding and applying OSHA standards is at the heart of any safety and health program. This white paper is a review of permit-required confined space (29 CFR 1910.146), a widely applied and frequently cited standard. The article aims to provide a helpful overview of the requirements, as well as some compliance tips to give your programs a boost, or to help you get one off the ground. There's nothing new about confined spaces or their hazards. In Roman times, the emperor Trajan sentenced criminals to clean sewers, an occupation known to be particularly dangerous.
Confined Space Awareness V2.16 Course

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Difficulty: Normal

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