First Aid1 Course
1910.151 - First Aid Training Course includes any one-time treatment and follow-up for observation of minor injuries, including cuts, abrasions, bruises, first-degree burns, sprains, and splinters. Injuries or illnesses requiring only first aid are commonplace. One or more workers should be properly trained to administer basic first aid, including CPR. Workplaces should have a well-stocked first-aid kit and at least one or more employee assigned the responsibility for administering or coordinating first-aid treatments.Learn first aid skills to help others in an emergency.
Keywords: First Aid, SafeWorkday, First Aid Training, First Aid Training certification, First Aid Certification, First Aid Online training
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First Aid1 Course
1910.151 - First aid includes any one-time treatment and follow-up for observation of minor injuries, including cuts, abrasions, bruises, first-degree burns, sprains, and splinters. Injuries or illnesses requiring only first aid are commonplace. One or more workers should be properly trained to administer basic first aid, including CPR. Workplaces should have a well-stocked first-aid kit and at least one or more employee assigned the responsibility for administering or coordinating first-aid treatments.
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Sapassorn Chaisukumara said: