Identifying Security Threats and Patterns Course

The need for careful security planning is clearly the most critical in prevention, being prepared and quick response.  Since we are faced with the likelihood of intentionally caused events, which threatens the society as a whole, the need for security planning is essential.  
Effective security planning begins with, and continually considers, risk as a means to guide actions and make effective use of resources.  
We must be careful to recognize that, while the visible trappings of physical security may portray an illusion of safety,  a careful analysis of the lesser-known elements of vulnerability, consequence, and threat are arguably more important if we are going to achieve a truly secure environment.

Course Features: Audio Narration

Keywords: Identifying Security Threats and Patterns, security, threats, Pattern, SafeWorkday, Safety

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Identifying Security Threats and Patterns Course

Identifying Security Threats and Patterns
Identifying Security Threats and Patterns

The need for careful security planning is clearly the most critical in prevention, being prepared and quick response.  Since we are faced with the likelihood of intentionally caused events, which threatens the society as a whole, the need for security planning is essential.  
Effective security planning begins with, and continually considers, risk as a means to guide actions and make effective use of resources.  
We must be careful to recognize that, while the visible trappings of physical security may portray an illusion of safety,  a careful analysis of the lesser-known elements of vulnerability, consequence, and threat are arguably more important if we are going to achieve a truly secure environment.

Identifying Security Threats and Patterns Course

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Price :

$12.95 ( Per License )

Visited: 500 Times

Difficulty: Normal

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