Introduction to CFATS Course
CFATS - Chemical Facility Anti Terrorism Standards
In Section 550, of the Homeland Security Appropriations Act of 2007, Congress gave the Department of Homeland Security all regulatory authority over security at high risk chemical facilities. In the act, Congress instructed DHS to require all high risk chemical facilities to complete a security vulnerability assessment, develop site security plans and implement protective measures to fulfill DHS - defined risk based performance standards.
Course Features: Audio Narration
Keywords: Introduction to CFATS, SafeWorkday, Homeland Security Appropriations Act, DHS
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Introduction to CFATS Course
CFATS - Chemical Facility Anti Terrorism Standards
In Section 550, of the Homeland Security Appropriations Act of 2007, Congress gave the Department of Homeland Security all regulatory authority over security at high risk chemical facilities.
In the act, Congress instructed DHS to require all high risk chemical facilities to complete a security vulnerability assessment, develop site security plans and implement protective measures to meet DHS - defined risk based performance standards.
Course Features: Audio Narration
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Sapassorn Chaisukumara said: